fugitive radio will be broadcasting live from Under The Leaf Book Fair [Insta] at Monitoimitila O., Kerttulinkuja 1, Helsinki. The fair opens at 12.00 EEST and fr will livestream the Book Fair Party! from 16.00 EEST on {openradio}. The event features readings and performances from Shia Conlon [@shiaconlon], Heta Bilaletdin [@hetabilaletdin], Victor Gogly [@victor_gogly] and laua rip [@lauarip].
Tune in at {openradio}

Under the Leaf is hosted by: @the.temporary.bookshelf, @fetiche.editions and @monitoimitila_o
[Instas] and is part of Alakaupunki Festival
More details: http://monitoimitila.fi/